July 12, 2011

In a Sea of Supplements, Catch the Fish!

Jul 12
One of the most common questions I get is, “Which supplements do you take?” I probably get asked this on a daily basis and so, I’m going to let you in on my secret. Omega 3 – 6 – 9 Emulsion. This is one of the supplements that my family and I take every single day. I even make sure my one year old daughter gets her daily teaspoonful! EPA and DHA are long chain unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids. Intake of these has been shown to improve joint, cardiovascular, cell membrane, and eye health while reducing the risks of neurological disorders and cancers. Research suggests that long chain omega 3 fatty acids modulate the body’s inflammatory response and ultimately, intake of these is linked to improved cardiovascular health and blood flow. They also help support the development and function of the brain and nervous system. Linoleic acid (LA) is an essential omega 6 fatty acid and is a component of cell membranes. It is used in the biosynthesis of GLA and AA. GLA is traditionally used to treat imbalanced immune and endocrine activity while also helping with inflammatory skin conditions.  Meanwhile, AA is essential for the synthesis of prostaglandins which modulate the body’s inflammatory response to injury.  Sufficient levels of AA are essential for proper tissue recovery and wound healing. Oleic Acid is an omega 9 fatty acid that helps promote cellular health by supporting cell membrane fluidity. Intake also supports healthy blood lipid profiles by reducing LDL (bad cholestrol) while possibly raising HDL (good cholestrol). Research also suggests that oleic acid may support healthy blood circulation and reduce the risk of clotting. Emulsification of essential fats drastically increases their absorption and bioavailability.  Research indicates improved patient tolerance and increases in the absorption of pre-emulsified EPA and DHA when compared to capsular products. So, basically you’re actually going to absorb the product that your taking! Unfortunately, so many people end up taking lower grade supplements that their body isn’t even absorbing adequately and as such, are just wasting their money! If you’re spending money on a supplement, you need to make sure your body is absorbing it and that’s why I always recommend patients spend a bit more to buy medical grade products.  It is important that you buy a product that contains the purest high quality, contaminant free ingredients and is truly beneficial for you. I believe everyone can benefit from taking Omega 3 – 6 – 9 Emulsion and there are number of high quality products out there. Just make sure you do adequate research to find the right ones in the sea of mass marketed, consumer grade supplements. If you have any questions, let me know and I will be more than happy to oblige!