Tag Archives: children

What You Need to Know About Your Metabolic System!

Imagine you could know just how well your body worked to create energy? That would be quite valuable information, wouldn’t you agree?! I bet that knowledge alone would kick start you to make changes in your diet and lifestyle accordingly. You know you need to work out and eat healthy. Everyone knows that but abstract […]

Winter Season = Cold & Flu Season!

It’s that time of year again. And no, I don’t mean Christmas. I mean that dreaded cold and flu season that is sure to strike someone in your household (if not every single one of you). At the very first hint of a cold or flu onset, I recommend the following supplements: Zinc! This is a […]

Curb That Caffeine Fix!

I read an article in the Globe and Mail a few days ago about how some school cafeterias have banned all caffeinated drinks including coffee, tea, caffeine-laden soft drinks, and energy drinks. It is refreshing to see a step in the right direction in regards to our children’s well-being! Now if only all schools will […]

Stop the Itch!

Infant eczema is a growing concern and now affects anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of all infants. Eczema is one of the first signs of allergy and is thought to be due to the delayed development of an infant’s immune system. It manifests itself as red, itchy patches or rash on the skin. What […]

Stop Wasting Your Money!

I received an e-mail from a patient this weekend asking my advice on sports drinks and since I’ve gotten that question before, I thought I should do a post on it. My answer to anyone asking about sports drinks is simple – stop wasting your money! Sports drinks bring in over $7.5 billion a year […]

The Smell of Danger!

We are brought up in a society that has led us to believe that a clean house is one that smells of lemons and pine cones and vanilla and cinnamon. Preferably, all at once if possible! Truth be told, we have come to demand the really artificial, potently strong smell of these air fresheners and […]

Don’t Get Burned!

Summer is in full swing and it occurred to me that I really should do a post about sunscreen. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner but better late than never! Just to make sure everyone is clear – I’m in no way proposing that you not use sunscreen. I’m only suggesting that […]

Oh Baby!

I had a call a few days ago from someone who was looking for some information as to what foods to start her 6 month old infant on. As I was explaining my viewpoint, I realized just how misguided some well intentioned parents really are. I don’t blame the parents – they really are attempting […]